Tank going to Re-Cycle?


So based on my previous thread, the tank doesnt smell anymore and neither does the house
I took some water tests today:
pH - 7.8
Nitrate: 0
Nitrite: 0
Ammonia: 2.0

But kind of expected for that. My question now is my tank going to cycle again? I know there is dome dead stuff in there that I just cant get too. It is worth adding some hermits to try and clean up?


If your ammonia is that high, no live critters should be added. Yes, your tank needs to "re-cycle" and adjust again. It can't handle the bio load that has been thrown at it. I haven't read through your others posts, so I don't know what happened. You might want to use Amquel and then do a large water change to lower the ammonia level.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
If you are not going to change the substratum I would continue to stir it up and release any residual gas