Tank Heat in Summer



What does everyone do in the summer to keep their tank heat down. I do not have the more or the place for a Chiller. I was curious what other people do in order to keep their tanks 78-80 on a 85+ day in the summer. My tank is in my room and i usually keep an AC in there in the summer but this is the first year i have a tank. My regular lights would usually dim from the AC kicking on an off. Would this be a problem for my MH lights on my tank?


I've read people put fans on top of their tanks to help air circulation. Never tried it myself though as mine is 24/7 in AC controlled area.


i use a fan when it gets too hot. just one of the small metal ones from walmart, and i just direct it at the side of the tank. that helped lower the temp a few degrees.


New Member
What I do and have no problems is get a couple of old ice cube trays freeze some ro water into ice cubes. When the water gets low from evaporation and the temp det up yhere just dump a tray of cubes in there and the water will cool down. Works for me.


Active Member
I freeze RO water in regular old water bottles and float them if necessary.
Ones with a white cap are just RO water, ones with blue caps are water that is pre-salted. This way, if the salinity needs to be increased and the bottle breaks I don't have a problem.
Denise M.


If you are floating the water bottles, why does it need to be RO water? I don't see how they could break. :thinking:


Originally Posted by Merredeth
I freeze RO water in regular old water bottles and float them if necessary.

I do the same thing, except I use 2 liter bottles.


Active Member
Fans and keeping the room temp at 75 or lower.
Run your lights in the evening when the heat of the day is lower.
I wouldn't rely on frozen 2liters, what if you have a day you cannot put one in. YOu should have a consistent reliable way of maintaing temp.
The frozen water trick should only be for emergencies not a way of keeping the tank cool on a regular basis.