Tank is all setup and kickin' ...

Well got the tank all setup and going now. Getting cleanup tomorrow. Levels of everything seem normal, I'm sure fate will deal me a rotten hand as soon as I get over anxious. Anyway here's the setup:
75g AGA
200+ # LR
40# LS (going to get about 20-40# more)
2 heaters
Fluval 404
(2) 100 gal water jets
(6) hermit crabs that came with the rock
(1) blue bulb and (1) white bulb
UV Sterilizer
Salinity : 1.0235
ph : looks like about 8.2
alkalinity : 160
nitrate : 0
nitrite : 1.0 (or just a hair less)


Active Member
I'm hoping you got your nitrite and nitrate readings crossed. Because if not, your tank isn't ready. Nitrites must be zero.
What about ammonia? Alk could be higher...


Active Member
Certainly looks like nitrites are 1.0. You need to wait until they are zero. There is also no ammonia test shown here. Have you tested that? You should. Ammonia and nitrites must be zero to conclude the tank has finished cycling. Your nitrates will then go up, and down...right now, nitrates look ok.


Active Member
Just saw your other post...in 3 days time, your tank may only be starting its cycle. You have some waiting to do...


Active Member
slow down, i agree, your tank probablyhas not cycled, and even if it has, you should wait 2 weeks, IMO
ane piece of advice, look into another test kit
Guys (and gals),
Got an amonia test kit tonight and it looks like the level is at 0.25. And yes, the sand is a little on the low side. I am getting another 40# at least and possibly 80#.
Added a couple (3 actually) large hermit crabs this evening as well. 2 went absolutely nuts. They chased the little ones around and then went and climbed under rocks. The 3rd, well, I don't think he really wanted to leave the LFS. If he doesn't move by sun-up, he's going to the Potomac River, via the sewer.


from the readings that you have given us your tank has not finished cycling and I and probably everyone will advise you to slow down and dont add anymore livestack until ammonia and nitrites are down to 0. This would be a good time to add any more sand if you plan to do so.
P.S. with ammonia and nitritres in the tank the crab may have bought the farm. hopefully the others dont go down with him.
Good luck with everything and keep us posted
More sand is coming and the crab must have heard me type. When I got home he was chowing away on some pellets. The ammonia was between the 0 and .25 so I rounded up. The LFS was going to throw them out because nobody was buying them (they had TONS), so they gave them to me and another guy.
It may not seem like what you guys are saying is registering sometimes, but I assure you it is. Alot of times I get mixed info (board says "black" and a guy I met that builds reefs and SW tanks for a living says "white").
One other question I had was more of a personal thing. How long does it normally take before you get the rocks the way you want them ? I have changed the arrangement around like 3 times this week. Am I "normal" - so to speak.