Tank Is Coming TODAY!!!


Active Member
Hi All!!! Ohmigosh I'm so excited...and no, I just CANNOT hide it... My tank is coming today!!
:jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping:
I'll take myriad pix of it for all those who've asked, and even for all of y'all who havent :D
One thing - I can't buy salt, r/o water, live rock OR substrate 'till next week!

What can I do to prepare my tank in the meantime?
I've read that filling it with water for 24hrs to check for leaks might be a good idea - but I live in Jersey and I'm VERY concerned about putting plain tap water in there :eek: - should I treat it even though it'd only be in there for 24 hours? :confused: I DO have a Brita water filter - should I run the tapwater through the Brita before I put it in the tank, or does that not get rid of enough chlorine/metals to make a difference? :help:
Thank you all sooooo much for your continuing encouragement - y'all ROCK! :cheer:


I live in Jersey too, you shoud be concerned about using tap water. How big is the tank?
You can buy real ocean water to put in it.


Active Member
LoL, yes...ahhh the joys of living in Jersey. Can't even drink the water 'round here.
So my tank finally came...3 days late.... and it's pretty darned awesome.
:jumping: :jumping: :jumping:
Marineland Eclipse system 12 - 12 gallon acrylic tank with a hood equipped with activated carbon and biowheel filters, and 5000k/13watts of flourescent lighting. Not much lighting, I know, but I'm not going for anything more complicated than zoos :rolleyes:
It looks so sad though...sitting all empty on the bookshelf. I can't afford salt 'till next week.

Gonna get salt, aragonite and a test kit next week, and then I'll FINALLY be able to get this puppy started!
Will the sand and a fresh shrimp be enough to cycle it, d'ya think? Should I get some live rock too? :notsure:


Live rock won't hurt!! Check the prices between salt and actuall ocean water. ***** carries something called Real Ocean Water. The company that collects it for them is The Catlina Water Company www.catalinawater.com They collect ocean water from the Pacific ocean, filter it and sell it. I only use this in my tank, and so far its been great. You can literally pour the water into the tank and drop fish in it. They sell it for 9.99 for 5 gallons. If you buy this, there is no mixing anything, and all the water parameters are perfect.
How big is your tank?


if you have a petsmart store near you thay will match their on line prodoucts,all you have to do is print out the item,I do this for all my supplies,salt mix is very resonable this way,if you order on line you have to add extra cost for shipping.so it might not be the best way to go for salt but every thing else -***** is really way out of line s far as priceing so be ware of that store for what it's worth good luck.