Tank is cycled....time to fill it with the cool fish now.


New Member
I have a 90g "bottom drilled" tank with a wet/dry filter. I also have a protein filter. It's a fish-only setup with no live rock, but I did put in about 8lbs of live sand a week ago. The live sand seemed to help finish off the cycling. During the cycling stage I had 3 small clowns, 2 small striped damsels, 2 small domino damsels (semi-aggressive little

), 2 med-sized green chromis, and two small yellow-tailed blue damsels. About 3 weeks ago when my ammonia levels dropped, but my nitrite and nitrate levels were very high, I lost both dominos, one striped, and one yellow-tailed damsel all in about a one week period. The tank finished cycling last week, so this weekend I traded in the 7 "starter" fish that were still flourishing and purchased the following: 1 med/large yellow tang, 1 med sized sailfin tang, 1 small/med sized porcupine puffer, and 1 med/large gold-striped maroon clownfish. So far they seem to be doing well together. I was most worried about the two tangs fighting. I'm guessing the 4 fish I have in there now are equivilant to the 7 smaller fish I had in there before. We're have alot of people over next weekend, and I'd really like to put in a picasso trigger fish just before that. OK, everyone line up and tell me I'm being too aggressive with the population so I won't do it. ...LOL. I'm a newbie, so any comments about anything in my setup would be appreciated. Also, I have a pretty cool setup for cycling my water, and can do a 1/3 water change in just a few mins. However, is that too large of a water change? I did two changes when I was cycling. One local fish dealer told me I should NEVER do a water change during the cycling, and another dealer told me I should. It's irrelevant now, but I'm still curious to know what people think about that too. Thanks all.


sloow down. you put those fish in there way too fast. your probably going to get an ammonia spike. keep checking your ammonia and nitrite levels and do not do the 1/3 water change. when your tank is new its better to do 10% water changes so you dont disturb the tank when its still fragile. do not add any more fish. IMO you should only add 1 fish every week when the tank is new and even longer if you have no lr in the tank. good luck.


unless the cycle fish are in distress,
i wouldn't do water changes IMO.
by doing water changes during the
cycle,your depleting the food source
for the bacteria.it will still cycle,you
just won't have as big a bacteria
bed to handle the excess fish load.
as alti stated,keep an eye on your
chem. levels for minicycles.i'd hold
off on adding anything for a couple
of weeks.