tank is not level..


New Member
Live sand and water are in. Tank is not level. It is leaning back towards the wall..is this major problem? I have pieces of cardboard in the middle making the tank not flush with stand. My comman sence is saying that this is not good either. Help Me! Do I need to move the tank, that means taking the water out. Don't want to do this!
Any help please..


I would say this is a problem because your floor must be not level, But when you say out of level are saying alot or just a bit?


Depending on the size of your tank, and if you have access to a local hardware superstore (Depot or Lwes) you can use wood shims to fit under the stand and level it off. You can cut the exposed pieces of the shim with a sharp utility knife flush and you will never know. Presto! Level tank.


Originally Posted by some1fishy
Depending on the size of your tank, and if you have access to a local hardware superstore (Depot or Lwes) you can use wood shims to fit under the stand and level it off. You can cut the exposed pieces of the shim with a sharp utility knife flush and you will never know. Presto! Level tank.
Agreed, especially if it's only that little bit out of level.


Active Member
I'd say this is purely an aesthetic concern. I can't imagine it would ever create any actual problem for the tank or its inhabitants.


Ub's it may though. Although not drastically off level, however if there were an accident or some natural disater (lives in CA) i.e. erthquake (God forbid!) or just a bump or someone leaning on the glass it could cause a shift and go Boom! Every book you read states to make sure tank is plumb and level before filling.
Have you ever seen 40+ gallons of water spill out at one time....... whoa!