yes, the clownfish. he died a few minutes ago. he was laying at the bottom. he was fine up until a few hours ago. i woke up in the morning and fed him, he was fine. came home went to work around 3, he was still fine. came home around 8 ate dinner and looked at him and he was in bad shape. nothing wrong with his skin except for the white specs which i only noticed when he was swimming on his side. i introduced 2 gobies a few days ago. i guess they could've brought it, but my tank is very new so i guess he couldve also. the gobies i cant catch, i tried, but they are sooo fast. with 200 lbs of live rock i cant get them. ive only seen them like 3 times within the last like 5 days. now is the part where i'm an ass, i have a q tank but never set it up. and i dont wanna put my bad water in the tank, and i dont wanna hafta recycle the whole tank because then my fish will definetly die. what do i do? a gobie did come out after the clownfish had died and he was swimming fine and breathing normal. they stay hidden most of the time though so it is hard to compare. i decided for the hell of it to see if i can catch him. my genera rule of thumb is, if i can catch them then they are almost dead. i was able to get near him but i couldnt get him. i got closer than i thought i shouldve been able to get. the gobies mostly hide, i rarely see them, how will i know if they die?