Tank is really doing well


Active Member
Here is the latest photo of my tank, in 2 weeks it get's toally torn apart as we are moving. Not onnly are we moving, but we are moving TWICE! Have to move into one of our rental homes while our new home is being finished. Good news is that I ordered dual 125g tanks today for the new home! I'm kinda sad to see this 75g tall tank go as I became fond of it. Oh well, i'm over it and now into my new 125's
Totally tricked out 125s, each has dual overflows, 3x250MH and 4x95 actinics, 200lbs of LR and 150LS, Oceanic stands, Tanks arrive on Tue and I'll post pics. bye bye my little 75..


mr. guitar

Your tank looks good!!! Those ricordia's are awesome! Two 125 gallon tanks?! Cool! Are they both gonna be reef tanks?


Active Member
1 SPS tank and 1 LPS tank and a few species tanks scattered around the house. I have 400lbs of LR that is just about cured including some huge show pieces. The 75g tank was really limited in how I could aquascape, wait till you see the new tanks!!!!!! The 75g tall show will be turned into a Pulsing Zenia tank, I simply want the whole tank filled with zenia and clowns. I have about 30 frags of zenia awaiting the move! While we are waiting for the new house, I'm also setting up another 125g (total of 3, 125g setups) in one of my retail stores, this first tank will house all the corals from the 75 along will al the ones I just ordered, Acan's, blastos, plates, stags and a Mysteri Wrasse along with aChevron tang
By November my list of tanks will be:
125g SPS
125g LPS
55 Seahorse
240g frag
75g Zenia and clowns only tank!!!!!!
5 x 29g Oceanic Biocubes (brand new and not on the market yet!)1 for each bathroom!
360g Main tank if everything goes as planned


Active Member
Max it looks great but you are a madman!

I saw the kiddie pools and stuff taking up a room and it seems you always have something going on. I would probably be doing the same thing but I want to stay married...I think..no I do


Active Member
I forgot to mention the extra 3 car garage thats being built to house the "other saltwater projects" LOL....You can't take it with you
As far taking care of the tanks, to me it's relaxing, I could work on tanks all day long and never get bored..


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
I forgot to mention the extra 3 car garage thats being built to house the "other saltwater projects" LOL....You can't take it with you
As far taking care of the tanks, to me it's relaxing, I could work on tanks all day long and never get bored..

Right now (only been 9 months) but I don't mind the maintenance either. I don't even feel like it's work but just part of my routine like feeding the dogs every day.