Tank just started today...


Well, not really. I did finish staining my stand two days ago and today leveled the tank on it. I then filled it with water (garden hose), checked for leaks, added my "tap water" chemicals, proper amount of salt, powerhead, heater, thermometer, and an emporer 400 biofilter (sans the filter and wheels - it's just moving water right now). Because I'm taking things slow, I don't have a protein skimmer yet - that will be for later. Next, I plan to add my sand (trying to get a hold of reasonably priced white aragonite! grrr) and use some shrimp to cycle the tank. After that will come the live rock and fish. Can I cycle a tank using live rock? In regards to the shrimp - do I just buy shrimp from the local grocery store? I'm somewhat confusing myself as to what to do next...help would be appreciated. :)
Tank is a glass 60 gallon. My first SW tank. :)


You can cycle the rock with just LR provided its not fully cured. If you go the shrimp route, just buy some from the grocery store.
In the future, you will most likely want to look for a different source for water. While the water conditoner helps the chlorine, there is most likely still a lot of unwanted things in the water that can add to unwanted algae growth.(Like phosphates, metals,etc) You can either invets in a RO/DI, find a LFS with some to buy, or even use distilled water from a grocery store.


Active Member
As for the sand, I would recommend Southdown playsand from Home Depot. There is a thread on this message board with the SKU and UPC code that you may need to give the people in case they need to order it for you. Southdown is normally around $5 for 50 pound bags.
I cycled my tanks with LR and a shrimp. I found that in tanks with the most LR, the cycle went quicker. The shrimp kick-started things though as an ammonia source for the bacteria on the LR.
Anything that will produce ammonia in your tank. That could be dead goldfish like I used or fish food. You understand why you want ammonia at this point, don't you?


New Member
The tank was filled with water that went through a garden hose? Did you empty out that initial water after the leak test and replace it with new before adding your chemicals? Reason I ask, is I think I remember my LFS guys saying something about never filling your tank with water that has been through a garden hose, as the inside of the hoses has been treated with antibacterials (which could get into the water, preventing your tank from cycling). I could be wrong, though. Good luck with your tank!!


Something I learned when we started.. We went the dead shrimp from the grocery store route, and after 7 days we couldn't take the raw smell anymore..
Our problem was that we didn't run any power heads, or filtration during this period so the water became incredible stagnant.
If you do go the shrimp route, I'd at least recommend using your powerheads, if not carbine filteration so that it keeps water moving, and your house from stinking like a fish store on a hot summer day.


To answer some questions - yes, I did empty the tank after the intial fill to check for leaks (because I also wiped it down - it needed a cleaning - don't worry I didn't use any detergents - just a rag), then I refilled it. All my friends that have SW have used tap water to fill the tank and never had problems. For top ups and water changes, however, I will be using either RO or premixed salt (depending on what I'm doing obviously... :) ). I will probably go with the live rock/live sand route of cycling the tank - my wife cannot take the smell of fish so I probably won't use a shrimp, lol :) I had to convince her enough to start a SW tank in the house anyway... :eek: I'll be going to home depot today to see if they have southdown - I did get the SKU and UPC, so if they don't have it I'll order it. Thanks for all your help and advice everyone.


I hate to dive in this thread. But, as I'm geting information from this thread. I too am cycling a new tank now. I had to fill it with a garden hose from the backyard with a prefilter attached cause with the sump it's 215 gallons. I added 120lbs of ls and 90lbs of lr. It's got one hellish ammonia & Nitrite spike now. My question is will the hose I used hurt my future fish? I was told (lfs) it would be fine to go with the hose & prefilter.



Originally posted by Offshore80
I hate to dive in this thread. But, as I'm geting information from this thread. I too am cycling a new tank now. I had to fill it with a garden hose from the backyard with a prefilter attached cause with the sump it's 215 gallons. I added 120lbs of ls and 90lbs of lr. It's got one hellish ammonia & Nitrite spike now. My question is will the hose I used hurt my future fish? I was told (lfs) it would be fine to go with the hose & prefilter.

I wouldn't think so. I used a garden hose with No filter on mine to fill my tank. It was the same water I use to drink out of though, so it was safe from that regards.
I think you'll be fine to be honest. Besides, after your cycle, you'll probably want to do a 20% water change anyway. That will help remove any nasties too.