Tank Leaking/Switch To New

jeff s

New Member
This past weekend I notices my 15 month old Oceanic tank started a very slow leak. I spoke to the dealer who I purchased it from and they are ordering a new one for replacement under warranty. That is the good news. The bad news is the dealer is 2.5 hours away from me and I have to return the defective tank when I pick up the new tank. Once the tank is in I am going to remove the livestock and live rock and place them in rubbermaid containers with the exisiting tank water/heaters/ and a powerhead. The questions I have is with the deep sand bed. I believe I will remove the top one inch of the existing dsb and use that for the top layer of the new dsb. The bottom 3 to 4" I am planning on using new southdown. Is this the appropriate way to go about the tank switch?


Active Member
Did you ask the dealer about setting a deposit so you can bring the new tank home, swap out and then take the old one back?

jeff s

New Member
Yes, but then they could only give me store credit for the returning of the leaking tank. At least this way it will all be done with in one day.