Tank lighting


Hi everyone, well I have done well with my 90 gal FOWLR and want to get into some corals. I currently have a 2x6510k, 2x65 actinic and LED moon lights. I am looking at an led fixture With these stats.
Fixture Size: 47.00" x 9.25" x 1.25" (Add 0.65" in height with bracket installed)
LEDs Count: 64
8640 Lumens
Super energy efficient 3 watt high output LEDs
48x 10,000K LED
16x Actinic 460nm LED
Use 192 watts
Question is (I know depending on what I want to keep) should I use these in conjunction with my current lights or use these independently.
Thanks in advance!

mr. limpid

Active Member
It looks like the LED fixture you have would sustain any coral. What is the manufacture of this LED fixture? The only reason I would use the other fixture is for more light if the LED doesn't cover the entire tank with light.


Sorry I didn't explain well. I have a PC unit now, only the moon lights are LED. Looking into some LED fixture I just don't know if I should add to them or replace them completely.