Tank Mate Question


Active Member
Has anyone seen a tank where the smaller clown is the more dominant one? After one of my A. Ocellaris died I replaced it with a smaller clown (I'm almost possitive it is A. Ocellaris and not a Perc)....since the moment I put him in (three months ago) he constantly nips at the other one and basically has free roam of the tank. They don't socialize together, and don't sleep in the same area of the tank......basically they can't stand each other. What gives? Any ideas out there? Aside from thinking that the "new" fish is a perc, I don't have any ideas. :help:


Active Member
Would it matter that the 2nd clown.....uh.....oh, I see what you're saying. :eek: Well the current plans are to replace one of them. Depends on if my LFS has the room.....if I had another tank setup it'd be no problem.
So many tanks, so little time!!!!