tank mates for 135


i just got a 135 gal. and i cant decide which fish to go with. i know i want aggressive. i want a eel. i like the snowflake. the fish i like are niger trigger, porc puffer, lion, panther grouper, a angler, dragon wrasse, and undulate trigger.
what would you guys put in here? i know i cant get them all so i was wonder your guys picks from your experiences. thanks ahead of time for all of the replies.


Active Member
Scratch the undulate. The niger and snowflake will be good. The dragon wrasse would probably be fine, but look for an adult. The panther would also be fine as long as there is nothing small enough for him to eat - he may eventually out grow the tank. I'd scratch the angler and angel as well. A harelquin tusk would be nice, or you could add another trigger (peaceful specimen.)