tank mates for blue face angelfish


I am thinking of adding a antennata lion to a 90 with a blueface angel adult, or possibly a keyhole angelfish (centropyge tibicen) Am I looking for trouble adding one or the other? at this time I have a pair of clowns, zeba eel, marine betta and thay all get a long fine.
Thanks Bob


Active Member
Large angels can be pretty nasty to lion fish. The lion may also go after your clowns. THe dwarf angel might work, but an established blueface will likely go after pretty much anything added after it. I used to keep a blueface that would routinely pester my eibli angel, butterflies, wrasses and others. Not so much battering aggression but chasing/charging when the others got in his way. FWIW, a 90 is much too small for one of these magnificent fish. They're not terribly fast growing species, but a tank twice that size is more in line for an adult specimen.