Tank mates for clownfishes?


what are the best tangs and butterfly fish to go with clownfsih. You know won't fight with them or anything and look good with with them?


I don't know about the best... but I had a Yellow tang and a Blue regal tang in the same tank with my two (nemo) clowns. They never bothered each other.


Active Member

Originally posted by Hiddenicon
cool because i got a little baby blue hippo tang today:D :joy:

For your 30 gallon?


even a 55gal is too small those fish get up to 1ft long and need at least 6 foot long tanks to do best in, the only tang that does real well in small tanks like 55gal are yellow tangs


Active Member

Originally posted by *BTA*
the only tang that does real well in small tanks like 55gal are yellow tangs

But still not recommended.


yes its still not recomended but it is one that can live in a 55gal, also hippos/regal tangs are extremely hard to keep from what ive heard


Active Member

Originally posted by *BTA*
yes its still not recomended but it is one that can live in a 55gal

Well, sure any tang that can fit in and have some swimming room can live in a 55 gallon, but the question is do they actually like it in there? Eating and swimming IMHO does not mean the fish is happy.


I've got a Blue Hippo and a Yellow in my 90 gal with 2 Ocellaris Clowns and they appear very healthy and happy for over a year now.
I have a Purple and Sailfin in my 75 gal with a Gold Stripe Maroon and they all are doing great as well.
A 30 is a little small for a tang period. A 55 should be ok for the Blue by himself. I wouldnt put any other Tangs in there with him though.