tank mates for dog face puffer

would yellow tangs or any tang for that matter be a good tank mate for a dog face puffer and would a coral bauty be ok as well ... just checking my options while the tank is still cycling thanks all :)


A dogface pufferfish would not fit in your 30 gallon tank. Neither will a yellow tang. A Coral beauty yes, I would suggest making him your center piece, and then getting 2 more small fish (2-3in) to complement him. If your saying the old "i'm going to trade him in when he gets bigger" with the yellow tang or dogface, I suggest you reconsider, that puts added stress on the animal, and I hope you dont want him stressing because you got a fish that gets to large. Good luck !
hiya .. i am not the one with the 30 ..lol i have a 55 cycling now but i am also looking into a 100 gal and was just curious


Ohhh, sorry, you might want to update your pro-file :) If you were going to stock a 55 gallon with those fish, buy them at these sizes, a 2-3in Tang, 3-4in Dogface Puffer, and an size Coral Beauty Angel. Anyways, you can house any tang with the same body shape as the yellow tang, no naso shaped tangs. When you get a 100 gallon, if in fact you do, a naso shaped tang would be fine, for they love to swim fast and long straits. As where the yellow tang like tangs, like to swoop around in circles or stay in one place. Sounds like you will have a good tank set-up, good luck!
thankyou very much ... you have been quite helpful .. now one more question if yo dont mind .. what would be a good clean up crew with the the above occupants.. thanks again :D


I would get....i'm not really sure, puffers love to munch on inverts. I would order from <a href="http://www.exoticfish.com" target="_blank">www.exoticfish.com</a> for your hermits and snails since they are cheap, and might get eatin by your puffer. Get about 15-20 blue or red leg hermits, and about 1-3 tiger cowrie snails, I have herd the tiger cowrie are not easily eatin by puffers. Your welcome, everyone needs some help sometime.


hey treble.......that exoticfish.com, well that IS my LFS......well the outlet, its pretty nice, but like a 45 minute drive, but better than enything else closer......loving the 9 for 99