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Ok cool thanks for the info. I was thinking dwarf puffers or dwarf angels, so I'm glad to hear I was on the right track there. Noew you say not tangs which looks like due to tank size. What about yellow tangs? I read that they can be put in about 50 gallons, is that true? Also I know that these fish do have big mouths so what about fully grown clowns? Maybe tomato or clarkii, I see that they are larger than some get.
Oh yeah by the way I was kinda liking the looks of eels, them could go in with the lion, right? What kind would be good. P.S. - I am a beginner so I don't want to start with to difficult of fish.
Yes, I would not keep any tangs due to tank size. I would not even recommend a yellow in a 55. There are so many great choices out there, that there is no reason to put a tang in a 55. Even when I had my 75 running, I never tried keeping a tang in there, and I am glad I did. Now, the tangs I have are thriving in my 210.
A larger clownfish would be fine. I would stick to a tomato or maroon. They are a litte more aggressive, and definitely get larger than most.
Snowflake eels are one of the more peaceful eels, but even they will get a little large and will put a large bioload on your tank. A good suggestion if you like the looks of eels would be an engineer goby (also known as the convict eel). These guys are very easy to care for, have nice color, look like an eel, are not finicky eaters, and are MUCH more docile than any eel (since techinally, they are usually considered a goby). Here is a picture of an engineer goby. These guys get just as large as an eel, but do not create the same bioload or aggression as an eel would.