Tank Mates for Dwarf Zebra LionFish


Hi veryone, soon I will be setting up my first SW aquarium. It's a 55g tank. I've chosen to base everything around a dwarf zebra lionfish. So I'm wanting to know what are some possible canidates to be in a 55g with a zebra lion fish. Thanks in advance guys. ***)


Active Member
Anything that is appropriate for that sized tank (i.e. not tangs or triggers) and that does not fit in the lion's mouth is a fine candidate. For instance, a nice dwarf angel would go fine. I have always had luck keeping dwarf puffers with dwarf lions. A larger fairy wrasse would go nice in there. Some type of basslet would be nice, like a chalk basslet or tobacco basslet. You have a lot of options in a 55, basing it around a lion.


Ok cool thanks for the info. I was thinking dwarf puffers or dwarf angels, so I'm glad to hear I was on the right track there. Noew you say not tangs which looks like due to tank size. What about yellow tangs? I read that they can be put in about 50 gallons, is that true? Also I know that these fish do have big mouths so what about fully grown clowns? Maybe tomato or clarkii, I see that they are larger than some get.
Oh yeah by the way I was kinda liking the looks of eels, them could go in with the lion, right? What kind would be good. P.S. - I am a beginner so I don't want to start with to difficult of fish.


I don't know about dwarf zebras, specifically, but lionfish in general seem to be very finicky when it comes to water quality, and sometimes they don't want to eat what/when you want them to.


Anyone else know anything????
Dual that's what is making me have a contradiction is that I read some places that they should be avoided by beginners, but then again on some places they're good for beginners.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gen1Dustin
Ok cool thanks for the info. I was thinking dwarf puffers or dwarf angels, so I'm glad to hear I was on the right track there. Noew you say not tangs which looks like due to tank size. What about yellow tangs? I read that they can be put in about 50 gallons, is that true? Also I know that these fish do have big mouths so what about fully grown clowns? Maybe tomato or clarkii, I see that they are larger than some get.
Oh yeah by the way I was kinda liking the looks of eels, them could go in with the lion, right? What kind would be good. P.S. - I am a beginner so I don't want to start with to difficult of fish.
Yes, I would not keep any tangs due to tank size. I would not even recommend a yellow in a 55. There are so many great choices out there, that there is no reason to put a tang in a 55. Even when I had my 75 running, I never tried keeping a tang in there, and I am glad I did. Now, the tangs I have are thriving in my 210.
A larger clownfish would be fine. I would stick to a tomato or maroon. They are a litte more aggressive, and definitely get larger than most.
Snowflake eels are one of the more peaceful eels, but even they will get a little large and will put a large bioload on your tank. A good suggestion if you like the looks of eels would be an engineer goby (also known as the convict eel). These guys are very easy to care for, have nice color, look like an eel, are not finicky eaters, and are MUCH more docile than any eel (since techinally, they are usually considered a goby). Here is a picture of an engineer goby. These guys get just as large as an eel, but do not create the same bioload or aggression as an eel would.


Ok thanks man, I just won't try with the tangs then. Tomato & maroon are my favorite clowns so that's a plus. Pretty much though lions aren't really that aggressive, just hungary. That's what I've been reading. Do you think I should go with a single lion or what? Would damsels be a bad choice? I know they can be pretty mean fish. I really like dwarf angels so can all what I listed go toghteher, zebra lion, tomato clowns, damsel fish, dwarf angels? Are there any inverts like crabs & shrimps that will go with all of them? I think that goby is pretty cool looking too, thanks for mentioning that & thanks for the help it has been appreciated.


Active Member
I would stick to doing just one lion. In a larger tank you could do multiple lions, but in a stocked 55, I would only do 1.
A dwarf angel would be fine in that tank. You can only do one however.
I would stay away from damsels, as they can be highly aggressive. Most people on here regret putting them in their tank. Then, when they are in there, they are very difficult to remove.
You really can't do shrimp with lionfish, but you can definitely do some crabs, some species of starfish, snails, hermits, etc.


Ok well after doing a lot of research I've got a good bit of possibilities in my head. First off the lion will probally be the last fish added into the tank. I would rather other fish first so I can make sure the water is near perfect for the lion since they're more sensitive than a lot of fish about that.
So I'm thinking after it cycles with the LR I'll add about three tomato clowns. After a few weeks I was thinking maybe add a dwarf angel of some type. I really like puffers & I see that there is a good bit of them that can fit in a 55g. So sometime down the road one of them? Then finally a lion.
Would that all do good together? Also is there anymore room for more fish? If there is anymore room I was thinking maybe a wrasse.
Thanks for the help so far. I've really learned a lot since joining this forum.


3 clowns is probably a bad idea. most likely two will pair up and kill the other one.


Originally Posted by NEreef
3 clowns is probably a bad idea. most likely two will pair up and kill the other one.
Ok I did not know that, but I just read about something of the such. So I guess I should just get two. Is it best to get a 1m/1f ratio or is it fine 1m/1m or 1f/1f? What are the distinguising characteristics between the two sexes in this species.


Ok I think I've come up with a stock list. Please critique it in fish getting along & not overstocking the tank. The tank is a 55g with a wet/dry filter & skimmer on it BTW. Ok; 1 dwarf zebra lion, 1 coral beauty angel, 1 tomato clown, 1 sand hopper blenny, 1 or 2 mystery wrasse, What does this sound like? Please just tell me straight up as I want to do everything right. Which is exactly why I'm planning the fish stock out before the tank is even here. Thanks ya'll.


Originally Posted by Gen1Dustin
so I can make sure the water is near perfect for the lion since they're more sensitive than a lot of fish about that.
Lionfish are one of THE hardiest fish money can buy. Water quality, within reason, is of no consequence to their survival. The only problem is they dont like to be moved, so often go on feeding strikes when purchased. I would add the lionfish FIRST, so you can train it to accept frozen foods eagerly before there is any competition, because although they can become the kings of the tank in time, they are VERY shy when initiall placed in the tank, and wont get enough food if there is competition.
I usually start all lionfish off in small quarentine tanks to get them feeding. Its much easier for them to see the food in a small 10g or so tank, compared to a 55g. Within a few months they come to the top of the tank begging for food and literally gobble it down the instant it hits the surface of the water.
Just my opinion.


Ok thanks a lot Jon. So what do you think about the whole stock list? Too many? Non compatible? Also I was kind of thinking adding the lion last, so the other fish will have time to grow before the lion gets in there in could eat them. What do you think? Thanks


Active Member
I think your stocklist sounds fine. The only thing I would change is the mystery wrasse, because they are super-difficult to keep. I would try to find another wrasse. There is tons of species of fairy wrasses that are very easy. Other than that, those 5-6 fish should be fine in your tank.
I also do not see any problem with adding the lion last. Just be absolutely positive that the lion eats in thr LFS before you take them home, especially with a dwarf zebra. Do NOT let the person in the LFS feed the lion guppies, goldfish, rosies, or any fish of freshwater origin. These cause fatty liver disease. Freshwater ghost shrimp are fine to feed a finicky lion, since these are not fatty, but any freshwater fish is not okay.


Ok great than. Yeah I was going to look more into the wrasse before getting one. I'm glad you told me that about the FW feeders. I won't feed any FW feeders from stores. Simply because they're in filthy water & don't hold nutrional value besides fat. However I would feed my oscar platies that I raised which are 100% healthy. It would be a bad idea to feed them to the lion also?


Active Member
Yes, the oscar can handle the fat of the platy because they consume a lot of fat in their natural diet. Lionfish and most marine fish do not consume a lot of fat in their diet. This is why freshwter fish are not a good food source. Inverts, on the other hand, such as ghost shrimp, are fine because they are very low in fat. If you gut load a ghost shrimp, they are extremely nutritious for small lions.


Ok thanks man. Looks like I'll be off to the start soon. I just built the stand, I've got the tank & filter, I ordered some media for the filter & heater etc.