Tank middle brace cracked


New Member
Hey everyone!!
I just bought a used 65 gallon reef ready tank and stand. I got it home and filled it about 3/4 of the way and I noticed the middle support bracket was cracked and seperating. I could squeeze the tank sides together and the crack would disappear. My question is can I fix it, or will the tank be ok without it? Or am I screwed? The tank is 48" long and 12" wide. BTW this message board is great.
Thanks Doug


take the measurment and you should be able to have the top black brace ordered and you can install it yourself.


New Member
Where would I order the complete trim and brace from, since it is one complete piece? If the tank is 48" x 12" will any trim/brace fit different makes? Thanks


Active Member

Originally posted by Salty Cheese
IMO take it back to where you bought it and trade it out for a new one.:yes:

You shouldn't have to threw all that trouble the place you bought it from should give you a new one.


New Member
My 55 was also cracked when i bought it.
My brace had a 3/4 inch grove in it.
What I did was truned the tank up side down and filled the middle brace with epxy glue and a metal mesh strip.