Tank Mod


New Member
I have recently purchased a 50 gallon tank. 36"x18"x18" I have a light combo metal halide w/ 2 PC. I want to mount this so the light is directly in the middle of the tank but there is that 'support beam' across the top of the tank that divides it in half. I am wondering if I can remove this without doing damage to the structure/strength of the tank?
On the other hand any other methods of working around this would be appreciated.


Active Member
Welcome to the boards, John.
Unfortunately, center braces provide structural support to the tank. Do not remove or alter them.
IT may be possible to remove it and add alternate bracing such as euro bracing, but you'll certainly void the warranty and carry additional risk any time you modify a tank's structure. New lighting that works around the brace may be a cheaper and easier solution.