Tank Needs ALOT of Elbow Grease or...your recipe please

I recently bought a USED 30 gal tank that I need to clean. Did I mention it was used! It had GOLDFISH in it.
But there is scum and crud on this tank: the glass and the black rim of the top. What can I use to clean, ?sterilize? and otherwise make this tank useable for saltwater?

I got a deal on the tank and stand together and for the same price I could've purchased a new 30gal long... And Besides- this way I can gloat when I tell folks how crappy it looked- show pics before /after then stand there and twiddle my fingers in my suspenders with the biggest S.E.grin on my face!!!


Active Member
Soak the tank in vinegar for a few days and then scrub for 3 hours straight. (Jk, but there will be A LOT of scrubbing)


vinegar works the best for me its acidic and eats at the coraline


vinegar soak and a green scrub pad...IF you use bleach you will need to rinse several times but i would not suggest using it as it could end up leaving bleach crystals then putting them back into solution with water


you can really use those green pads I thought they would scratch my glass?


Don't use a scrubber that isn't for tank use. You can use white vinegar to break down the crud, scrub it, rinse it, then use bleach to sterilize it. Rinse it well after. Let it air dry. Bleach is fine to use, just rinse it well after. If you are worried then add a dechlorinator when you fill the tank up. It will be fine though.


Active Member
on heavy crud as others have mentioned use distilled white vinegar to soften in and use a scrubby pad to scrub it down, you can also use a widget (razor with a handle on glass to scrape away the really heavy stuff, be careful to ensure no junk gets between the blade and the glass like sand or gravel chunks because they will scratch the glass, and be carefull with the razor near the silicone corners so as not to cut the seam.
Originally Posted by jrthomas40
vinegar soak and a green scrub pad...IF you use bleach you will need to rinse several times but i would not suggest using it as it could end up leaving bleach crystals then putting them back into solution with water
I've used bleach on all my tanks and never had a problem. Just rinse it a few times and you'll be fine. Never have I seen bleach crystals but I guess there is a first time for everything.


i used white vinegar to clean my 125, i bought the white scubber pad, it won't sratch the glass....