tank overlaps stand by 1/8th inch!!!!


Ok I just got an OAK stand made, VERY NICE!...but I told him to make it 48x19…not knowing that the bottom bracket that holds the panes in place has a 1/8th inch over hang. So the tank will lay level on the stand, but have the edge of the rail hang over it by 1/16th of an inch on each side.
I don’t think this will matter because the glass and the bottom of the rail are still on the stand, but just that little 1/8th lip will not have a base, which I don’t think it will matter…anyone have this problem? Seen it?


I wouldnt think it would make a difference, as long as the glass bottom is supported and lays flat on the stand. Perhaps someone else could chime in if they are aware of an issue.
If it is an issue, you could just get a flat board and cut to the appropriate size and matching finish/wood. Lay on top of the stand and the tank on that. I'm sure it would blend in nicely and still look great.


I've never had any problems with tanks and stands. When I had all my tanks set up, many were just sitting on cement blocks. A 55 gal tank with 6 inches of FLAT support on each end (nothing supporting the middel) is able to handel the weight of the water and 2" of sand.
BUT... I don't advise doing it.
And I'm half crazy. lol
If your stand is perfectly level/flat on the ends, and there is only a 16th inch high sopt somewhere in the middel.... The tank may develope a leak.


I'll agree that you probably wouldn't have any problems, as long as the perponderance of the frame along the bottom of the tank is sitting on the stand.
I had a similar situation, sort of ... I used the standard AGA stand which only supports the stand around the outer edge and is open in the middle. My main area of concern was that the top edge of the stand where the tank contacts it is only about half an inch wide, while the frame on the bottom of the tank is closer to a full inch wide. The outer edge of the top of the stand also had a slight bevel, which cut down on the contact surface. Hence over half the suface of the tank frame would be unsupported. This also required that the tank be placed perfectly and exactly on the stand with little margin for error, lest the tank not sit squarely on the stand.
While I asked and got numerous comments that the arrangement was fine, for my own peace of mind I felt compelled to do something about it. My solution was to get a piece of plywood (Can't remember the thickness off-hand) and cut it to be just a hair wider/longer than the stand (Probably half an inch or so). I painted it black to match the stand, drilled a couple of large holes to accomodate the drain and return, then placed it between the tank and stand. Now the entire frame of the tank is in contact with the supporting structure, and I picked up a teeny bit of wiggle room when it came to placing the stand on the tank.
Having a painted stand (instead of your unpainted wood) made it easier and the plywood looks as if it's part of the stand. If, like me, you'd feel better with more contact between the stand and tank, a plank of the same wood and finished the same would suffice.


My probelm with puting a piece of "wood" under than tank to overlap the overlap is that the tank is not black, it's a AG -oak, to match the stand...and soon to be hood. so a piece of ply would look bad.
i'm leaning twards that it will not be a problem. thanks again