Tank Pics


Here are some pics of my tank. Let me know what you think. I am getting ready to transfer this to a 92 gal corner bow fron
:jumping: :cheer: t.



It is a 55 I believe. I have about 65 to 70 lbs. of live and base rock, some shooms, zoos, rics. I am setting up a 135 gal. right now as well. I am building it into the a wall under my stairwell, so all of the eqpt. wil be hidden yet easily accessable. What an addictive hobby!!!! My wife complains about the $$$$$ spent, but she is always wowwing over the tanks and showing them off. Thanks for all your thoughts and replies. Have a great day!!!!! Back to cleaning the tanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by apgracia
I am building it into the a wall under my stairwell, so all of the eqpt. wil be hidden yet easily accessable.
What an excellent way to use the space under the stairwell
That tank is great!!!
Very unique look