Tank Pics!!!


Sry i dont know how to down size the pics from being so big!?!?!?!
And dont mine the wires lol still trying to find a good spot to hide them.
Also im worken on getting the rock better i dont like it the way it is.
But here goes my 120gal If u have any thoughts or new ideas please bring them up to me!!

What u think of the stand and canopy? My cousin built it.

Front shot

Side shot

I like this once cause the clown looks like it was put in the pic its cool!!

Sea Apple

And the sump


New Member
Esthetically, I think it's quite pleasing. Since my knowledge stems no further than esthetics, we'll leave it at that.


Active Member
the stand looks great. i am looking for someone to build me a canopy here locally. no success yet. other wise your tank looks good and i like the rock setup


The black stand looks very striking. Everyone should be so lucky to have a cousin to build them such a nice stand.
What is the round thing with yellow stripes on the side of your tank? (I'm new to salt water and trying to earn.)
Thanks for sharing!


Active Member
I like the stand. That makes the tank look really nice, and makes the rock and lighting stand out that much more. Great job!


Active Member
Originally Posted by OceanLover
The black stand looks very striking. Everyone should be so lucky to have a cousin to build them such a nice stand.
What is the round thing with yellow stripes on the side of your tank? (I'm new to salt water and trying to earn.)
Thanks for sharing!

It is a Sea Apple


Active Member
hey wat r the dimensions of the tank?
is that the 60" by 18"?
cause im ordering a 120 wit those dimension, is that ur dimension?


i will check the dimentions when i get home for ya im at work for a while yet but i will let u know


Good idea with the tape for the water level. Mine is just a permanent marker line, and it is sometimes hard to see. Very clean looking aquascape. How old is the tank?


Active Member
looks great, have you had any nitrate issues by running the bioballs in the sump? Is the tank a 4 ft? I just saw a 120 at my lfs 48X24X29 (dim might not be exact) and it looked like it would make a great reef, lots of room front to back.
nice job


Nice tank set up. How much live sand did you have there and how deep it is that sand. Also how mnay pound of live rock did you have there and what kind. The reason for that because I want to know how much do I need to add to my 125g tank when I set up.


Hey rcdude sry it took a while i measured it awhile a go and its 49x25 i belive ya brandan the lines work out really good makes it so much easier
and the tank is about 6 months old, cant remember the exact date. And hammerhed ya thats the same tank i have it works out really nice wit the rock. I have not had any nitrate problems at all, its been really good.

ric maniac

Active Member
oh god, i sea a sea apple lol. those things can wipe out a tank in an extremely short amount of time. but other than that it looks amazing! the sand is sooooooooo white!


but i got a questions now. My sump is there anything i should do or change? i would like to get a little more filtration, since there is really small particals(dunno what just dosent like really clear like it used 2) still passing threw. Anyone got ideas pls?


Active Member
lookin good nice stand and canopy! looks like ur ready to load that tank up! as far as more filtration i use a 200 micron filter sock u can always do that it helps remove any smaller particles in the water column