tank pics

david s

well I finaly got a camera I am learning how to use it along with front page here is a link to my new webpage it will take some time lol here is my tank after 5 months of learning hope you like it I am starting to add corals I allready have a new lether and a brain that are not in pics thanks david


New Member
nic etank david u have been working really hard on that i see. it looks great keep it up.

nm reef

Active Member
I like it!!!!!!
Looks like you've got a great start to a beautiful lil reef....mine is a little bit smaller(55 gal)and is now 20 months young!!!
Keep up the good work....enjoy your effort...and keep us posted as it matures.:cool:


I second that question.... Just want to know if others keep birds.... My thing, are the reef envoronments.... my wife's things are the birds and we now have several.......................
Nice tank..!

david s

my daughter has a cockatoo that she raised from a egg it is a nice bird but what lives in the cage is my basset hound at night. she looks just like a dog faced puffer lol. I am going to post a pic of her on sight soon too. as far as the light it is $400 it is a nice setup I have twice that into it and it is in perfect condition I have a post in tradeing foram thank you for all the good words on my tank it is getin there


Here is a tip. I have taken a few pictures of my tank. If you angle the camera a little bit you won't get the relflection of the flash off of the glass in your picture (like picture on your main page). Let me know how it works. Good luck and keep posting pics. You have a great tank.

david s

thanks div I just snaped a few pics then started fighting with front page and posting to web now that that is set. I will work on beter pics lol