Tank Pictures

joseph mcdonald

New Member
I have decided to start up a fish tank pictures community on MSN.. I have posted pics of my tank and of davidcanupp's tank... Everyone is welcome to join and add pics..
<a href="http://www.msnusers.com/FishTankArchive" target="_blank">Fish Tank Archive</a>

nm reef

Active Member
Very nice...great idea too....later today I'll see about linking a few of my pics on your site.........would be kewl to have a bunch of regualr members post a few current pics on the same site.......*_^


Great looking tank..! What camera are you using for these shots...? :D


Great Pics!
I actually thought about building a committee site so that everyone’s tank photos are all on one site. I have my own servers and equipment to do it just wasn't sure how much it would cost me to run each month.

joseph mcdonald

New Member
If everyone really likes this idea, i have access to nice server and high speed connection.. I could setup a custom picture post site.. Maybe even have voting with realtime results.. My friends @ the computer center could help me with any scripting and such...
and btw, the camera is a Sony DCSP50.. 2.1 MegaPixel.. my tank i used flash cause my lights have kinda blue color, but davies I didn't use flash..

joseph mcdonald

New Member
the sargassum keeps hiding.. i'll try and get some pics of him when I feed him when he finally decides to move otuta the top corner....
The clown is in the middle of a conspiracy with my anemone..they are chasing the sargasumm... It moves to one side of the tank, the anemone moves that direction.. He moves to other side, and it follows.. WTF is up with that???? lol.. I just have a tank of creatures ready to consume each other.