tank placement


hi everyone, i just neede to know how much a 55gal tank weighs when its ful?i need to know because ive got one, but we hardly got any room on our lower level of our house. is it a bad idea to put it upstairs?
the house is six years old and it was built by homes by towne(if this matters) :help:


i got a 60 gal on a third story apt. level :notsure: i think it is doing fine but they do weigh alot


Active Member
well you figure a gal of water weighs 8 lbs mutliply that by 50 thats 400 lbs in water alone
then you have LR how ever much you have added.this will also reduce the water weight volume by taking up that space but you wont know how much that will be until you fill your tank and keep track of accual gal added.then substrate also varies on how much you add.est weight of your tank stand hood ect add it all up.the stress factor on your floor will realy depend on the condition of your home be sure you have the tank completely level this will reduce risk of insident


Active Member
If your house is that new the floors "should" be able to handle the weight of a fully stocked 55 with no problem.
Please note though that I am NOT an builderarchitect or engineer though.


Active Member
I have a 125 gal and a 40 gal in the same room as a king size waterbed upstairs.My house is ony 2 years old and we knew told the builders about the bed and they had said it was no problem


Originally Posted by unleashed
well you figure a gal of water weighs 8 lbs mutliply that by 50 thats 400 lbs in water alone
then you have LR how ever much you have added.this will also reduce the water weight volume by taking up that space but you wont know how much that will be until you fill your tank and keep track of accual gal added.then substrate also varies on how much you add.est weight of your tank stand hood ect add it all up.the stress factor on your floor will realy depend on the condition of your home be sure you have the tank completely level this will reduce risk of insident
wow :scared: thanks


Originally Posted by unleashed
well you figure a gal of water weighs 8 lbs mutliply that by 50 thats 400 lbs in water alone
actually, saltwater weighs 8.4 lbs/gallon