tank progress & ID help


Hey guys (& gals) Thought I'd up load smoe pix from my tank today, Yes i know its barren compared to most on here ;) but we're taking it sllooooooooo. The tank has been up since Mid May, and had fish since mid to late June
Tank Then

Originally it was a yellow tail & an all blue Damsel. The yellow tail was overcome by an amonia spike in late september, but both the clown and blue (plus hermits and emerald) survived
Now we have:
Blue Damsel (any tips on getting him out w/o romving rock would be appreciated)
Gold Striped Marron Clown
Dart/Firefish Goby
Small Hippo Tang (to be moved into a larger tank soon)
Emerald Crab
Handful of hermits
Turbo Snail
1 Larger Snail (i forget which kind)
Present Day Tank

Feather Duster?

This is what i need an ID on:

What are the white things?
Am I correct in guessing that the green stuff is some sort of sponge? Are either beneficial/harmful?


get rid of that brown anemone FAST its aiptasia and if you let it spread youll never be able to put coral in get rid of it FAST...and make sure it didnt already spread....id take the rock out and let it sit outside for days


Active Member
Picture 3 is Aitapsia and the 4th is possibly some type of Anthelia species that is bleached and the yellow/green is a sponge. The third one is the one you would have concerns about.


figures looks cool= not good...lol
so just put the rock outside to kill it off?
BTW, its 40* and gonna snow here tomorrow, how long do i need to keep it outside ;)
Thanx for the heads up


New Member
Don't put it outside. I would just boil up some water in a pot and pull the rock out of the tank and dip the end with the Aitapsia on it into the boiling water for a bit, either that or if you have a syringe u can try injecting it with boiling water. There are a number of other solutions you can try just search for Aitapsia on these forums.


Active Member
Originally Posted by slademan
get rid of that brown anemone FAST its aiptasia and if you let it spread youll never be able to put coral in get rid of it FAST...and make sure it didnt already spread....id take the rock out and let it sit outside for days

which pic are you looking at? Are you talking about the reddish color stuff, because I have this in my tank????


Active Member
Yea I wouldn't panic and throw the thing outside in the snowbank. Their is other ways to kill aiptasia without killing the whole rock. You could get Peppermint shrimp, Joes Juice, or inject it with boiling water.


Active Member
that is one big aiptasia. peppemint wouldnt eat one that big. i would boil the rock if the rock isnt that big. or like others hv said, inject w joes juice or boiling water.