tank progression


Active Member
please post some pics of your tank's progress over time. you know, initial start-up w/ filtration, rock stacking, first corals and fish, all the way to the present. i'll post some of my pics tomorrow once i locate them all. please include dates of when you started the tank too.
i'm looking forward to some great pics ***)


All I've got is this before/after that I'm sure you've seen a hundred times already. Maybe it will kickstart the thread for you ;-)


Active Member
here are some of mine, the first is a 10gallon with shells, then progession...dont hae many shots inbetween for some reason...but the last is now my 20 gallon long, its a bit clowdy because of messing with the substrate



Active Member
i have these pics on another thread but ill list dates for these on here.1st pic is my very first attempt at reefing this was my valentines gift from hubby 2005 55 gal with a few corals
2nd pic is my mothers day gift 2005 tank upgrade 120 gal + new fish and corals
3rd pic hubby baught me new lights and had a sump/fuge custom made for me for my bday (july)2005
4st is a few pollups added in aug
more corals added nov


Active Member
this was my latest upgrade new yrs eve 2005 (300 semi aggressive reef)
we added a few more corals this yr will have pics soon .
also finish the canopy and stand . I only lost one coral the the upgrade and that was my vwery large toadstool leather I think it was electricuted by a bad powerehead in a holding box while transfering(kinda shocked everythingin in the bucket and blew th curcuit)


Active Member
alright, as promised. some of the colors are off, because i didnt adjust the white balance on the camera. tank started april 27, 2005. the last pic i took yesterday (1/26/06).
