Tank Question


New Member
Well. I am not new to the fish world. But to saltwater yes.
I have a 20 gallon with your regular fresh water tropicals.
I also have an empty 50 gallon.
Should I move my tropicals to the 50 gallon?
And put saltwater fish in the 20?
I am asking opnions from the you guys because all of you apperantly have saltwater fish.


i think it's an excellent idea. we started out with a 20 gal saltwater tank ourselves. i think you learn a lot maintaining a small tank since you have to keep a close eye on your water quality. we started with about 10 lbs base and 10 lbs of live rock (lr came back from mexico with my dad - not sure if that's legal but... ), we added 3 damsels to cycle.. once cycled, we added a peppermint shrimp, a clown and some crabs. I think we spent about $150 total getting the right equipment and stock but that's cheap for this hobby.
btw, we also had a 55 gal fw tank at the time - it only asted about 6 months before we moved the 20 gal into the 55.
that was about a year and half ago. we're now plainning on setting up a 150 gal in about 6 more months...


New Member
Yea, We were thinking about getting a clow or three, damsels. Maybe a horseshoe crab. I was just searching through the different fish provided on here.
Well my aunt gave me the 50 gallon. And it needs some more eqipment and I still need to get a stand and a place to put it, by outlets of course.
So it may be a while before I actually get my fish and get everyone situated.
Oh and also I doubt I'll worry about money too much. Anything to make my little fishys happy