tank raised black occelaris and carpet!


Active Member
last night one of my two black ocellaris took to my saddle carpet!
theses 2 clowns were introduced on saturday, so it took him 4 days to figure it out. i was going to try the 'tape a picture of clowns in anenome to the side of the tank' technique to instill them with the idea to host, but i realized they had a better visual aide, my juvy GSM in his bubble tip on the other side of the tank

here's the first pic i could get about 5 mins after i saw it , the initial contact. happen before my eyes. sorry its nots great, its a cell pic, i didnt have time to get my digital set up.
now my only question is if his buddy that always swum together will join him, or will free swim forever?! unfortunately they are very close in size, but the free swimmer is a smidgen bigger. :thinking:


Active Member
I am sooooooooo jealous!!! I am trying the picture method for months but still no luck!!!


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I am so frustrated that I will probably get another pair so I can see my BTA hosted. :mad: :mad:


Active Member
aww shucks , i didnt mean to get you jealous! i will take it as a compliment tho :)
i heard that they often will never host...
what kind of anenome do you have for them?


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I will try to get a pair of black perculas this weekend. Hope to have better luck this time.


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mine were in my 29g qt for 1 month. the qt is actually close to my display and they were definitely able to see into the display , and at the gSM in his BTA for that time period. i know this because as soon as they were put in the qt, the GSM would rush the corner of the tank and stay there like he was trying to swim to them, and the 2 in the qt would stay as close to the display tank as they could. this happened for the first week straight. then the gsm got used to there presence and stopped caring. i think this accidentally helped ease tensions when dropping them in the display...


Active Member
okay so i have a question now:
how long should i wait to see if the other black oc joins the first one in the carpet?
will it ever happen? he is a little bit bigger then the one in the carpet, but doesnt really go near it.
i am worried that he might get stressed out because he doesnt feel comfortable on either side of the tank. the left side the GSM rushes him and the right side he stays away from. sometimes i have seen the one in the carpet come out to greet him - not aggressive - and then they go there seperate ways. what should i do ? how long should i wait? im thinking i might just get him out of there to a better home ?


If you decide to get rid of him. I'll take him and we can ship on my account.. How much would you want for him?


Active Member
well i would sell him for about 30. he and the other one were hand picked from about 30, for having the best, and blackest coloration. this particular free swimmer only has a little orange on his chin. but i think all i can do at this point is let it ride for a few weeks and see what happens.
also, i dont know the first thing about shipping a fish.