Fshhub, thanks for pushing for captive bred fish
. I wish more fish keepers would think like that.
I always try to chip in my $0.02 in this topic. Since I'm at work right now, I can't come up with a whole speech on captive fish without getting busted
so I'll just paste something from an old post of mine. Hope this helps:
"Another option to consider is tank-raised (not "bred") fish. These fish are raised by collecting eggs from the ocean when their chances of survival are minimal. The impact on the fish population is minimal to none, plus there aren't any damaging side effects on the reef from using poison (more on that later). The eggs are then hatched in captivity and the fish are raised with all the benefits from captive-bred fish.
U.N. Hermit, I couldn't agree more with you! I'm pretty new to the hobby myself, but I'm already on a mission to spread the word as much as possible about captive bred & raised fish. I also feel guilty taking away from the world's reefs. It's not just the depletion of fish population, it's the damage caused on reef by improper collecting methods (like the use of cyanide).
Another reason to buy captive bred/raised fish is that they have never been exposed to any kind of poison. Ever buy a healthy fish that lives a happy life for months, then suddenly stops eating and a couple days later it croaks, even in perfect water condition? Happens all the time; just read the messages posted here. And what explanation is usually given? As one of my LFS said, "fish sometimes just die for no reason". This myth is widely acepted in this hobby. Well, there IS a reason. Collection methods that use poison can cause permanent damage to a fish's organs, even when done properly (and more often than not poison is misused). The fish might live a happy life for a few months but the damage is already done. A few months later, its organs start to fail and the fish dies. Obviously, tank bred and raised fish have never been exposed to any kind of poison."