tank raised oscillaris vs tank raised percula vs true percula


hey guys, i have a quick question. i went to LFS today and got "tank raised percula" clownfish. Is that same as tank raised oscillaris. all the colors and every thing look the same. Only difference i see is between them and TRUE percula . I am so confused. pls help. Can i keep tank raised percula and tank raised oscillaris together?
Also : i hear that oscillaris are called false percula.. is that right? then isnt tank raised percula is a false percula too as its color is dfferent than true percula?? someone please clear my confusion. thanks a million


false percula (or amphiprion ocellaris) clowns and true percula clowns (amphiprion percula) are 2 completely different species. You can have tank bred/raised with both kinds.
Also, you can probably mix them as long as they are introduced together and/or you make sure you introduce a smaller male if you have a single female.
Hope this helped.


you probably purchased a "tank raised ocellaris" or false perc.
True perc normally have a thicker black lines on the vertical stripes


New Member
This may not belong in this thread, but how do I know if I have a male or a female clown? (Percula)


There is no male or female. They change --- depending on their partner. If u keep 2, bigger and more dominant one becomes female and other changes --- to male.