tank raised


Tank raised are said to be heartier and less prone to disease. You may get longer life out of them too. You will find that more people will recommend tank raised over wild.


tank raised suggests that the clown is raised in a fish tank, acclimated to tank life and will usually be accepting of prepared foods.
Wild caught (the regular ones) are just the opposite. Wild clowns are not used to living in a fish tank, and will often accept prepared foods, but this is foreign to them. Often times wildcaught clowns will harbor parasites.
One thing to look for in clowns is aquacultured clownfish. These are farm raised (captive raised and captive bred) and are very hardy fish


I feed my fishes (including clowns) with
Soaked Frozen Brine Shrimp, Plakton, MYSIS shrimp, Fomular One dry food, Aqua Yum Frozen shrimp
they take them all

sinner's girl

our tank raised clowns, get frozen brine nightly, flakes once in awhile when beg for food. the older one liked the seaweed i fed to the tang. The big also seems to eat the shrimp pieces from when I feed the inverts...I don't know how long wild ones live but the older one is over a year old...