Tank re decorated by tunze


I installed a tunze 1600gph power head yesterday and this evening the Tunze had redone the whole tank THe rocks were moved and the sand was 15 in in some places I have two 300gph powerheads also. What is a good was of possitiong them to get the greatest effect but not destroy the tank. Plus i have a lot of cynao ( thats mainly why i got it)


Active Member
bummer! i'd point them up and towards the walls...are they so powerful that they'd shoot water right out of the tank? i have all my powerheads in my tanks pointed to the top for surface agitation and it moves the water just fine around the rest of the tank...


Those powerheads are made for much bigger tanks. Did you buy the one that will work with their control unit. If so you will need to get control module to control the flow,if not try and return and get two tunze nano stream 6045 that would work much better for your size tank.


really its to much flow? never really herd that before. I put the tunze in the middle of the tanks ( its a wave tank so it is pointing at the curve) I moved it up to and put the two powerheads on both sides of it intersecting the main stream it works preaty well and it is getting rid of the cyno. Also i have it on a timer so it turns on ramdomly


Active Member
put it in the back corner or side and aim it toward the front half closer to the side of the tank the tunze is on but not straight forwardand allow it to reflect around the tank you can aim a nother powerhwead into the flow from the otherside of the tank and cause some good deflection around the tank, i just adjusted mine (90 gallon tank same tunze) and pointed a seio into the flow and it make a great multidirection flow and my sps love it


Active Member
A fan tip or spray bar will take the "Jet Stream" force away and make it much more usuable. The fan tips really make a huge difference, try that first.


As far as the cyano goes, I battled this a couple years ago by cutting down the light time, feeding less often, and spot vacuuming the red stringy stuff when I did water changes. Those things helped a lot, but didn't cure it.
So I bought some Chemi-clean and it took care of it - 2 years later and still cyano free. Didn't bother my fish, inverts, or my corals either. I am not one for adding chemicals to the tank unless the conservative approach fails, but this one I would recommend if you really have a problem with cyano. (I think it had erythromycin in it - the bacteria hated it, but everyone else in the tank seemed fine with it and my water parameters never changed either. I did keep my lights off most of the time while I was using it and did a big water change at the end of the treatment.)