Tank readings good??


I know these arent where they need to be yet. I am 2 weeks into cycle. I have 23 lbs LR in a 55 with a 4 inch sand bed. Last fish died yesterday.
I also have lots of life on the LR as well as 5 blue legs.
Nitrate 18ppm
nitrite 0ppm
amonia .25
PH 8.2
salinity 1.023
Is this about where I should be 2 weeks into a cycle and if not advice on what to do please.


probably wait and wait and wait some more. Im so inpatient. :D


Be patient. It's impossible to tell where you are since each cycle is different. The quality of the water you use and the inherent amount of sulfate and phosphate contained will make everyone's cycle differ. Plus the quality of your lr and how much die off you have, whether you add any chemicals, even how well you cleaned your tank (and what you cleaned it with) will cause variations in everyone's cycle. I've hear of some people cycling in a week-mine took nearly 4 months.
Be patient.


Guy at a local LFS told me you HAVE to have fish to produce enough amonia for the cycle. I know this isnt true. How do I tell when my cycle is done AND 5 blue legs 23 lbs live rock and an occasional tiny tiny bit of food should be enough to cycle a 55 right???