tank rebuild


New Member
I posted a message 2 weeks ago about having to medicate my tank. I used guick cure which has formalin and malachite green in it.I have L.R. ansd L.S. and wanted to add inverts and corals at some point and time.I know that activated charcoal and carbon will dilute meds. so that's why they say to remove them before medicating.I asked if I was to run charcoal or carbon heavy through my system for say 6 mos. changing it regularly would my rock become safe for any inverts or corals.
If my L.R. and L.S. are unusable then what is the best approach to restoring my tank for inverts and corals.I have a 55gal with 30lbs of L.R. and 30lbs. of L.S. Tank has been up 1 year.This is what I was thinking on doing.I was going to remove all the rock and sand and put up a small Q. T. so this don't happen again. Then I was gonna put new sand or crush coral in and start rebuilding mr L.R. $$$$.
Will my water that's in the tank be O.K. Any ideas or suggestions will be appreciated.


Active Member
I think your asking if the water, LR and LS can be used again if run through carbon.
Well why don't you dump the water? it's cheaper than live stock. Then you can wash the tank out with white vinagar.
The LR and LS, not to sure but, I think it is unuseable with the meds.