tank setup for hex


hi everybody,
here's the problem and i can't decide what to do, but now is the time. i've been FW for years and have just started a new SW tank. right now i have a 42 gal hex with a UGF, powerhead 640, bio-wheel (for 20-40 gal.) with cc and 30lbs LR, and 3 damsels (basically a FW setup). its only been running for three weeks. so heres the problem. im thinking that if im going to change over to LS at some point i need to do it now. but then i only have the bio-wheel for filtration. so should i also add a protein skimmer now and/or use some other type of additional filtration? i worry that that b/c the tank is tall that there won't be adequate filtration at the bottom. or will the LR and LS be enough? or is the setup i have now fine?
thanks in advance for your input, lillylegs


If you have 1 to 1.5 lbs per gallon of well established lr, a 4 to 6 inch dsb, and good water movement, you eventually will not need any mechanical fitration at all. Right now your tank is new so the biowheel will definitely help keep everything in check while the tank matures.As far as the protein skimmer, IMO if you are careful not to overfeed too much, and you have an adequate cleanup crew, a protein skimmer is not necessary for a 42 gallon tank. HTH


wait, so you're saying that with adequate LR and LS i won't nedd any other form of filtration? holy toledo! just the powerheads for circulation?


The corallina algae on your lr does pretty much the same thing as the bacteria on your biowheel. The difference is the lr has ALOT more surface area. As long as you have water movement between the rocks, this is alot more effective than any wet dry filter.