Tank Setup (hopefully)


New Member
currently do not have a SW tank but hope to set one up in near future
With a 10,000K VHO and a Actinic VHO both at 75W each what kinds of life could i keep? Fish/Invert/Coral?
hope to setup a 29G Marineland system with Biowheel system
DSB 2-3in
15-25lb LR
Hoped for Inhabitants
1 False Perc
1 Blue Yellow Tail Damsel
1 Boxfish
10-20 Assorted Snails
2-4 Sand Crabs
Cleaner shrimp or Emerald Crab
Any suggestions or tips?


Welcome to the Board!
The clown and perc will be fine in a 29 but I'd rethink the boxfish. They like to eat invertebrates and get pretty big.....15 inches or more. With a tank that size, you'll want to stay with fish that stay small like the clown and perc.
Inverts are scavengers so you'll want to wait until your tank is maturing and growing its own algea (invert food!) before you add any inverts.
The only light "required" for fish and inverts is enough for you to see them;) The light you've described, about 5 watts per gallon of VHO, is considered medium intensity. There are lots of corals you'll be able to consider. Easier ones like mushrooms are good to start with.
Good luck!!


I would make the DSB an inch deeper and add a few more lbs LR. Those three fish would be just about all your bioload could take (maybe more). I , personally, wouldn't get the damsel or boxfish and get some types of gobies or blennies. As far as corals you could keep mushrooms, softies, and LPS easily. What other inverts you keep would all depend on the other inhabitants and their compatibility together. I would also grab a little hang on skimmer and a few powerheads and scrap the biowheel as it isn't needed . HTH