Tank Setup


Hi Everyone,
This is my first post, let start off by saying that I'm new to saltwater setups. I have a 75 gal tank with a Ehiem filter also a Remora skimmer. My tank has been cycling for five weeks, it spiked last week and all my specs are where I think they should be. When I first setup this tank I didnt use any live rock or live sand. I have six damsels in the tank. I have a 20 gal tank that I like to seed for the damsels when I buy some other fish. Should I use some of the sand from the 75 and some of the water. Or should I just buy ls and lv and lfs water? Any help would be appriecated. TKS


Using sand from your cycled tank would be an inexpensive way of getting your new tank to cycle faster, but if you plan on adding ls and lr from the fs eventually then you might as well do it now and let it cycle your tank.


Thanks for the reply
I have a question, how much time will it save using ls and lr then just the damsels?


While it will save you time, that is not the real benefit of adding the ls and lr at the beginning. If you add the damsels and the sand from your other tank then you will go through a cycle with the damsels. Then, if you want to add the lr later you will probably have another cycle when add it. It is better for your fish to add the lr and ls first and not have them go through the trauma of two more cycles. I know they are hardy and they can probably survive it, but there is no reason to risk it if you are gonna add ls and lr anyway.