tank setup


can ne 1 show me a tank setup from underneith or the back were all the hols r driled to let water into your fuge and into your over flow and things like that


Active Member
T connector on the overflow line. Directs part of the water to the fuge, and part to the wet/dry.


alsocould u explain how itall works from the water leaving the tank to the pumping of it back in to the tank


Active Member
The overflows have a box built around them. The water overflows at the top of this bix, and down the overflow to the sump, and fuge. I have a hole drilled in the sump, where the intake of the return pump attaches. The water pump sucks the water from the sump into the intake, and pushes it up the return line. The return line goes into the tank, and the water exits from the return into the tank.


thanks the only other question i have is if the return is on the bottom how does it not disturb your sand?


Active Member
There is a glass box that isolates the return/overflow from the rest of the tank. Here's a pic.