tank size 4 sfe


Active Member
IMO it could go in a 55 but it would have ahorrible life and prolly die early. think of it this way your in a 4 ft by 4 ft room for your ENTIRE life


as a temporary home yes perminate no. There are snowflakes that are TINY....Im sure he isnt going to buy the biggest snowflake he can.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SiNaLOa213
could it possibly go into a 55?
i think it would be perfectly fine in a 55 for its entire life if needed! they really dont get that big and dont need a TON of swimming room either it can be very happy in a 55g


Im sorry but mine is way to big for a 55 gallon and would be just mean to put him in a 55....So you cant really say that it would be ok in there for its entire life.


Active Member
i could find easily a ton of sites and books that recomend anywhere from 30- 55 gallons and ive never seen or heard anyone say bigger than a 75 while a 30 would be mean a 55 is not mean at all they are not big swimmers they do a lot more laying around! i stick with a 55 being ok for a SFE


This is a very hardy eel, but an escape artist. A 50 gallon or larger aquarium with plenty of live rock and a tightly fit canopy is ideal.


I figured aw2 would have something to say about this but he isnt anywhere to be found :notsure: :thinking: Where are you AW2....I guess its all a matter of how you think. I personally think a 55 is to small for a large snowflake. I have mine in a 125 and still think its kinda small for him.


A 55 would be fine for a small snow flake eel that was no bigger than 24 inches. But a 75 would be a better choice. Yes eels do tend to not move around much but if they do decide to the eel will be verry cramped in a 55 not much room to move once you consider they can get 3 feet long. And im shure you will have live rock in the tank that takes up alot of space.


I have my sfe in a 37 gallon cube right now while I fix up his new 75gallon tank under my future reef tank. He is ony 15 or so inches so he isn't fully grown but he is healthy and I guess you could say happy. Are going to have to watch out for eel police now like we do with tangs? :scared:


lol. I dont think so, I just dont like people thinking that a full grown sfe will be fine forever in a 55 gallon tank. I have had a sfe in a 29 gallon before, Not proud of it but i was new to the hobby and didnt know any better, wish I would have had someone tell me all this stuff before I wasted my money. oh and I hate the tang police.