Tank size any suggestions


New Member
I have a 55 gal saltwater tank with alot of problems. I am considering on upgrading to about 125 gal tank. Any suggestions if that is a good idea and WHY?


I have a 55 gal. I did a lot of reading on this web site. Keep asking questions and you will be able to get your 55 up and running just fine. Also,. I spent a lot of time at my "trustworthy" lfs. I learned a lot from them. I'm planning on going up to a 90 gal. soon. But this will be in adition to the 55 gal. Do a lot of water checks, have a reputable lfs check your water too, ask a lot of questions, and go slow. Everyone is very knowlegable here, Use their knowlege and take their advice.
i agree^....but you are a little limited for fish with a 55, i would do a 125, i just baught my 75 this year, im already buying a 300 next year, i need room for my bamboo shark to grow, if you want my oppinion go a little longer with the 55, if your still having trouble id get a bigger aquarium, "bigger is not only better, its imparitive." (scott w. micheal),
ps.. any questions bout sharks or rays im me.
LAZY EAST911 (screen name)


Active Member
I think that until you read up and fiqure out the "lot of problems" you talk about in your 55 gallon that you will have the same problems in a larger tank. Bigger tanks are better, but one has a lot of the same "problems". Reading a couple of good saltwater books may help you to decide what kind of equiptment to buy and how to better manage a new larger tank. This way you can work out the answers to the problems which will follow you into your larger tank unless you figure them out. I did not have any more problems in my first tanks...a twenty-five and then a forty, than I do in my new ninety gallon. Bigger is not always easier. This board is great, but one needs to read up in books for a solid knowledge base also. Lesley


What problems are you having exactly? A 55 gallon is actually a decent size, especially for a beginner. I agree with Lesleybird. A larger tank will not solve any problems. The only thing that it will do is make your parameters easier to manage. More than likely, if you are having problems in a 55 and dont know how to solve them, then you will have the same problems in the new tank. There are cheaper ways of adding more volume of water to your tank such as adding a fugesump setup.