Tank size for blue spot stingray?


I've been watching this blue-spotted stingray at my lfs and think i'm going to have to add him to the home porta ocean. My question is what will his tank size requierments be as an adult? He's about 8 inch disk size now and I have a 120 I can set up for him but how long will this last?
Also they want 60$$ for him. Does this sound right?


Wht are the dimentions of your tank? They need a min of 6 long and 2 feet wide to turn around and swim. Also must have a fine grade sand bottom. Lots of surface area on the bottom is necessary.
60 is a really good price.


Thanks for the reply Jester. I'm at work so I dont know the exact dimentions but it is very wide. I'll check tonight. I'm glad to here the price is good. Even if I need a new tank I think i'll get him...He's cool!!!


IMO 120g is not enough for them(we're talking # of gallons). These rays are very, VERY hard to keep. Sometimes they never eat, sometimes they'll just stop eating for no reason and die, and fluctuations in tank parameters can kill them too. These are very delicate. If this is your 1st ray I recommend a different species like yellow rays. They're not as attractive but are a lot hardier. I recommend a tank at least 6' long and 30" wide for either kind.