Tank Size For Shark,ray,and Lion


I plan on getting a coral cat shark, cali ray, and Lionfish. I will be putting them in a 6'x2'x3' tank in the wall setup.
Is this tank big enough???
I heard the coral cat shark grow only about 2 feet long not sure how large a cali ray gets. I know the lion will be fine just worried about the shark and ray
by the way a 6'x2x3' tank is about 250 gallons if that helps a little more I am just worried about the foot print for the shark


i think that should work but wait until someone who knows more replies. Have u looked into keeping sharks. I hope u know the responsibility it takes (and the $$). Just dont have many rock structures and it should be OK


Thanks I know it is alot of responsibility I Know I can handle it I am doing alot of research on the subject. The most info I will get is from these threads on SWF.com that I read only problem the AGGRESIVE FISH FORUM is seldom read often


i think a dimension of 6 feet long by 3 feet wide would work better. None of those fish need more than 2 feet and width is much more important than height


You are going to want little to no rockwork at all. Rays need as much space as they can get, even more then sharks. So they are going into a 125? I had a Banded Cat shark in a 125 for about a year and he seemed happy, he ate well and moved around alot, I had 2 small rock formations on either side of the tank.
You may end up having to move to a larger tank later on as he gets bigger because a 2-3' shark will have alot of trouble in a tank that size.


The Tank size is about 250 gallons 6x2x3 I was planning on putting LR in the corners back left and front right haven't decided yet.