Tank size for volitan


Whats the tank size for keeping a adult lionfish?Because i have a baby volitan in a 55gal tank and hes doing fine!:joy:


Didnt you already post this question? Bare minimum for a Vols lion is 100gallons. Remember they can hit 8-10 inches in the first year and are messy eaters producing lots of waste. Sure a baby will do fine for a month or two until it outgrows the tank.


Active Member
Yeah, it seems there have been mulitple repeat questions this week, all of which received adequate answers the first time.
I agree with Harlequin, even though my book says the bare minimum is 75g, a 100g should be the minimum for these guys. I've seen species up to a foot in 75g tanks, and that's just not enough room. Dwarf lions are okay for 30g and up, but leave the volitans to the 100+.