Tank Size

ryan hunt

New Member
I raised freshwater fish a few years ago and now I'd like to get into saltwater fish and sharks. Need some advice as to whether to get a smaller aquariam or go ahead and get the larger tank and start out with smaller saltwater fish first.


bigger is always better. the larger volume of water is more stable not only with regards to chemical levels, but temp., etc.


Welcome to the boards.
This is a great place for help. as far as sharks I would go with larger, at least 300g to start. There are others here who would know more than me. Good luck!!!


Active Member
If you truely want to have sharks, then post your questions in the aggressive fish forum, there are many knowledgeable fish keepers that look to help out new members.
One suggestion though, if you haven't kept saltwater fish in the past, I don't really recommend sharks as the first fish to be kept. They require many specialized features to have a successful tank. But, good luck and welcome!!


Get the largest tank you can afford, forgoing all reason and logic, because in six months you'll wish you had bought a larger one.