Tank Size


Had 3 question before I start Hypo.
I need to start hypo in a Qt. I have 2 fire fish, 2 clowns, 1 royal gramma, 1 coral beauty, 3 chromis. I have a 30 gallon to use for the QT. In your opinoin is this tank big enough? Also if I use 20 gallons from the main that has been running for 1 year would I still have to wait for the tank to cycle? Do you think that a skimmer would be enough or do I still need a filter? skThanks


Staff member
Well, the 30 gal will be a tight fit, unless all those fish really love each other.
You should use 100% water from your main tank [as long as the water in that tank is high quality]. A skimmer will not really work in a new setup, nor will it work in hyposaline conditions. SALT makes skimmers work, and there just is not enough salt in hyposalinity.
One of those hang on filters that has pads, or carbon pads, etc. will do, and you can also use PH's in tank or get one of those new fluval underwater fitlers. Add a cup of substrate from your main tank to the QT. Place filter media that you're going to use in the QT in the main tank for seeding for a couple of days, then add it to your QT.
This tank will not be cycled, even with all these recommendations. However, you will need to do a lot of water changes with hypo so that will help. Basically, you'll need to do daily cleanup to keep the ammonia at zero. Take a look at the FAQ section at the top of this forum if you haven't already.