tank size


calem, I realize you may have evry intention to upgrade in a year but that still won't allow you to keep any shark in that size tank. I have dealt with many who have had the same idea- get the shark cram it into a tiny tank and upgrade later- the outcome every time is a dead animal. I am not trying to be harsh just realistic, these animals require STABLE conditions not being moved evry year or two into a new set up. It is much better to get the final set up and have it well established before even considering obtaining a shark. My system was up and matured for over two years before I added any sharks. It is admirable that you are interested in sharks but as has been stated before nothing less than 220 gallons can be used to housed a small shark for its life. Please don't think that if and when you are unable to care for the animal that some public aquarium will want it, believe me they won't. These magnicificant animals deserve the absolute best care possible and this simply can't be done in a small tank. Please think hard long before you purchase any shark.