tank smaller than expected!


I got my tank established from someone. They had told me it was a 75 gallon. I have had the tank 2 years, and have a friend with a 90. I swore my tank was a 90 from comparing in size. My tank is a flat back hexagon (DAS), so measuring it was difficult. Well my hubby and I measured it yesterday and plugged the numbers into a site on google that calculated the gallons for you. Its 70 gallons
!! Oh the tang police would drag me into the streets and shoot me. I had a large yellow tang, large purple tang and a large blue hippo tang along with about 5 other fish in this tank at one time! I put a scopas tang that had ich into the tank (accidently of course) after losing my yellow, and wiped out my whole tang except for a goby. No wonder! My poor fish were sooooo crammed jammed! I have ALOT of live rock in there too! Man oh man. Well, we live and we learn. I now have no tangs and even though they are my favorite fish, I will not be getting any unless for some reason I ever get a larger system in the future. Sorry fishies!