Tank Smell


I seem to have an odor coming from the tank. I upgraded to 400w PC lighting have removed the glass lids from the tank a few months ago. Since then, I get a lot of evaporation because of this (about 1.5 gal/day) and I think that it is just this evap that is causing the odor. (You can actually feel and smell the humid air near the tank.) The tank itself is in great shape. I tried putting the lids back on, but that cut the lighting enough that my 'shroom wilted within a day.
No one else in the house seems to notice the odor, and it isn't overwhelming, but I don't like it. Any thoughts on how to control? Thanks.


Active Member
Toss in a net bag w/ some carbon,for a couple days.That should help.Do you have a sump to place the carbon?